Nikki Haley JUST ENDED Her Career!!!



DO NOT send your donations to the RNC but instead directly to the candidates that deserve it. The RNC has a nasty habit of throwing your money in the wrong direction and in the most disproportionate way possible. TRUMP 2024!

I’m voting for Trump but I’m still shocked Vivek isn’t miles in front of Haley.


  1. Nikki Haley is not the first woman to be president, just like Hillary Clinton was not to be the first woman for president. When the time is right, the right woman will walk into that office because she’s a strong American, with the values we desperately need. but not yet!

  2. Yep. She is definitely not the one. Her policies, both international and domestic, leave me wondering how she got to the stage.

  3. She let the terroristic gangs dictate her actions and decisions while she was governor, allowing them to tear down memorials.
    She, symphyses with those patronizing the criminal George Floyd.
    Plus, she believes in the invasion of America, by over 50+ million illegal invaders so far.

  4. Enough with the libtards, and communist. Let’s Make America Great Again. They’ll try to rig the election again, hopefully it won’t happen again.
    Let’s kick the libtards, communist, the hoggs, and rinos to the curb and take our country back again, before it’s completely lost forever to the terrorist and the illegal invaders.

  5. nikki haley is scum. she needs to disappear and go back to being the criminal greedy sewer dwelling business jerk she is.

  6. I sure don’t know what to think anymore as obiden Obama is doing much more damage than good,, we must MUST get our TRUE POTUS. TRUMP. back to. Washington to save us and MAGA

  7. Hey nik, you took your best shot — and didn’t make a dent. Time for you to collect all your witicisms and go home, girl. Earth to You: there is NO PATH for you to get to The Oval Office … bye bye

    • You’re kidding right? You are for drugs, experimental damage to our children, education worst in our history, men in ladies bathrooms, man boy sex ? REALLY?

  8. Nikki is trying to get some leverage out of the UN Ambassador but the job is little more than a title and is usually given to someone as a reward for doing something good for their party

  9. Amb Haley experience so Draft Vivek this article is silly. A former Governmor responsible for actual govt budgets and the Ambassador to the UN, unmatched foreign policy experience with everyone but Trump. Amb. Haley is the future of our party if not this election then the next.

  10. She’s a fake republican. More like a plant then any real republican at heart. She turned sides way to fast for me. She still thinks like democrat. So yes I smell a rat.


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