MSNBC PULLS Morning Joe After Trump Shooting: ‘Cant Be Trusted’



“We trust our hosts to say stupid shit!”

So….they pulled the show because they don’t trust that their own anchors can handle the news objectively?


    • IF you have to be told who you can or can’t trust, YOU are the problem. Maybe your parents are to blame. IT ain’t me (or any other White (conservative guy).

  1. Only truly ignorant people watch these totally biased clowns. Same idiot that only days ago claimed Biden to be on top of his game. His narrative changes like the wind.

  2. Joe Scarborough (btw, I love the alternative designation of “Joe Scarredbutthole” – right up there with other pet names, such as “Gavin Nuisance”, “Kameltoe Hairlip”, and “Meritless Garland”…) is a raging narcissistic twit. Remember, when Donald Trump was merely a famous, rich dude, “Mourning Joe” was happy to play the sycophant to him, sucking up for the sake of status and table crumbs. But when Trump’s politics made Joe’s position as “court jester” a bit uncertain, he turned on Trump like a toddler in a tantrum – and he can’t help himself. He is (as his pet name suggests) “butt hurt” that he’s not dining at the big guy’s table anymore, which is why he can’t even pretend to be rational toward Trump. It’s not a philosophical difference. It’s not a political difference. It’s the reaction of a jilted lover – and just as crazed and over-the-top as those reactions tend to be. When even a joke network like CNN recognizes that he’s gone over the cliff/around the bend, you know he’s past all rational behavior.

    • Correction: I meant “MSNBC”, not “CNN”. What can I say, sometimes it’s difficult separating the trash. It’s also difficult to do, but I have to admit that MSNBC is so bad that it almost makes CNN look like a legit news source. “ALMOST”. Let’s face it, it takes a lot of clowns like Don Lemon and Brian Stelter to equal even one Rachel Madcow and she’s still there at MSNBC, even after CNN dumped those two embarrassments.

    • if the network knows that Joe Scarborough can not be trusted to say appropriate things isn’t it irresponsible to have him on the air at all?

      Further if he ends up being sued for defamation then, after this admission, the network is equally liable as are all of the executive management. they have admitted to being aware of the problem

      It amazes me how many ceo’s and board members make decisions that put their companies at risk. CNN is doing that with Joe Scarborough. ford and gm are doing that with their EV’s. anhouser busch, disney, state street all did it with various leftist agenda’s.

      Why aren’t the executives and board members fired for these poor decisions. it is their only job after all.

  3. The network decided to pull their show because they couldn’t be trusted on what they would say?! The network has allowed them to spew their hateful rhetoric since Trump became President in 2016. What is the difference between then and now? Are they afraid they’ll say something utterly stupid regarding the assassination attempt? More than likely but, again, why the concern now when the network let them go uncontrolled in the past?

  4. Those two should have been gone long time ago. Hope the VIEW GETS THE BOOT SOON, TOO!!! Both of these shows are an insult to the integrity of the viewing public!!!!

  5. there is a long list of leftists hosts and commentators who should be off the air. whoopi, behar, joy reed, Joe Scarborough, rachel maddow, the list goes on a long time.

    If a conservative, and especially religious, white male say half the stuff these leftists say they would be fired.

    think what woudl happen if white males were protesting blacks the way the entire democrat party ans all leftists protested Jews. Yeah what is with that?

  6. Making stupid comments never stopped FOX?
    Hasn’t Ruppert paid enough for having there top guys going roug? Carlson, Orielly….

  7. You know…you gotta be responsible for what you say and do. You are supposed to report the news without taking sides. NO lies. Just the facts please. Yellow journalism used to get you fired and it still should get you fired. Our country is in such chaos. Lies, controlling people, telling us what we can NOT say or own. Socialism. We can think for ourselves if we will just do it. WALK AWAY FROM THE LIES. FIND THE TRUTH. WAKE UP.

  8. Everything on Morning Joe, is lies or lies or more lies.
    Would not watch ever even if someone payed me millions.


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