Migrants Rush to NYC… As US Border Closes



Migrants protesting in a country where they do not have citizenship? That’s wild bro

I’m tired of my tax dollars going to the migrants


  1. The illegal invaders know something that the citizens don’t seem to be able to figure out! And that is you don’t keep banging your heads against the wall thinking that the next time you do it will stop hurting! And they also know the democrat run cities will give them what ever they protest for, and just steal evermore money from the citizens that keep banging their heads against their walls!

  2. Wait until those immigrants find out the information they were given was by a man who is not the President of the United States who is only President of Washington DC making the orders illegal. Wait until they find out the food they and we eat are full of poisons from Scientists, Big Pharma and the food industries. Wait until they find out there is human meat in our so-called meats, not all, but lots of them. Wait until they find out there is human blood in many other foods like Heinz ketchup and so much more. Maybe they will finally go home. Be careful of what you eat and drink, especially sodas, I always do. Blood can be dangerous due to the jab people got and then is put in drinks or foods.

  3. obummer is pulling the strings, and biden is clueless
    They have destroyed a great country, I’ll take a mean tweet any day. Trump has a huge job to get this country back on track and take down all the people who want to make us a socialist country. Illegals need to go back to where they came from. A 13-year-old was raped and these animal terrorists killed a mother of 5 . Their BLOOD is on every democrat’s hands.

    • First of all, YTrump won´t win an election. The murder you mention is sad, but a drop in the bucket by comparison what our ohn country men do on an hourly basis.

  4. Our own Congress pays hundreds of NGO to manage the flow of illegals heading to and crossing the border. They just pass bills that they literally don’t know what is in them funding these NGO groups. Billions helping illegals to get here and helping the Cartel gangs so they don’t have to do it. The stupidity is truly amazing..

    • Why worry about money? We spend billions on Ukraine and Israel to finance their wars. We have enough money to spend.


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