Kevin O’Leary: Immigration issue has now hit home



O’Leary nails it, immigration’s no joke!

And yet, Americans will keep on voting for these politicians. Absolutely amazing


  1. R and D mean nothing. They are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS. YOU have to call it like it is or else the smoke screen will continue.. It is an act of WAR and they should be machine gunned. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor. The Vatican has a perfect record! A hundred nations, a thousand years and exactly 100% FAILURE. Ignorance, corruption, drug dealing, sex crime, and uncontrolled populations and then CATHOLICS in the USA demand that the USA take the worst of the lot.

  2. Terrible situation
    Our money is going to illegals
    Nobody gave the legal immigrants anything
    This is insane and has ruined our country
    Shame on the people who voted for these morons

  3. No, The thing called common sense!
    You are born with it. But some where down the line libterds indoctrinated your kids. Starting on elementary school. Middle school. High school.
    And polished up in college
    I call them the educated unless people!

  4. O’LEARY is absolutely correct about the illegal aliens. O’LEARY is also correct about the need for businesses to get out of NY state and NY city. after assuring people that they had targeted trump with a political attacking using corrupt legal charges and a criminally corrupt judge. L. James is now attacking yet another company for another political attack. this time it is a cliamte change attack on a meat processing company.

  5. And don’t think if you move you get away from paying because these states will lean on the Federal Government to fund taking care of those here illegally and we will all be paying that bill too,

  6. First of all the fact that they think a person with Severe Dementia and no Brain can again lead this Country is absolutely the worst thing that could possibly happen. I didn’t think that any one would promote Dementia Joe another time. Are they all insane there is no cure for Joe and he can’t walk up or down anything without being led. You might not like Trump but at least its better than the bumbling idiot that we have in there now. So if you don’t like Trump then find someone you would vote for and write their name in. Don’t vote for this Idiot again. Oh the Dems are going to make him stop defending these Electric Cars and he is going to quit telling us that Climate Change is normal and blah, blah, blah when all along they knew if they just hung on to him he would get to be President and then they could persue their very best choices. Oh Hog Wash. He is way past the age of being President and there have been at least 4 Drs. there at the White House that have deemed him unfit to lead the United States of America. So the Dems better get on their walking shoes because Americans are getting sick and tired of these Bozo Clowns in Congress deciding what they want. Now a bunch of them have stepped down, but you notice they are still going to be in Congress and doing that same stuff as they have been doing all along. Voting for their raise in pay, pushing Joe Bidens Button and leading him around Like Pelosi did the other day. I an sick to death of him and I keep hoping that he will collapse and they can bring him back. There is absolutely no reason on this Green Earth that he run for President again. Enough is enough. Dems crawl back in your holes and do something else

  7. The US overslept on this one. They need to put sanctions on Mexico and Central America to STOP the flow and NO concessions but they refuse to do so! All jobs need to be outlawed going to these areas!! This BS about a commission to identify the ” root causes” of the overwhelming influx of migration is in itself a bunch of BS!!! Our enemy is among us yet our stupidity continues to let it happen. All monies to these countries and migrants need to be stopped because our own are suffering. We fought a war with Mexico for a reason. To the victor goes the spoils. Mexico is NO friend…they were Nazi sympathizers and it wasn’t until the US threatened to bomb them in WWII that they stopped or have they????? They have had a plan to ‘overtake the US by their numbers” and they have succeeded as the Chinese will soon do.. maybe it’s time to focus on the real enemies and it is not Russia, Iran and NOKO!!!!

  8. Send all immigrants to SE Texas, Laoisianna, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia or Florida. Their alligators need to be fed.


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