Kamala To Give CNN Her FIRST Interview… Under ONE CRAZY Condition!



She cant handle the job! She has demonstrated over and over again!! Trump is not wrong about her intellect.

No. If she can’t handle the protocol of debate, she can’t handle the dynamics of being the president. Get her out of office now.


  1. I don’t understand why people would vote for someone like this she couldn’t take control of the border now we have illegal criminals taking over the Country.

  2. Harris and Walz are both demonstrating to the world that they are both morons who lie more often then they even speak. they have both lost all credibility. only a fool woudl vote for them.

    Harris, Walz, Pelosi Obama and the whole democrat party are realizing that harris is losing ground fast. The media can see their blitz to promote harris is now failing. Harris is dropping in the poles just about as fast as she went up. the honeymoon is over.

    Notice that Walz has gotten quiet? His lies came back to slap him in the face as fast as they came out his mouth. Now he just wants to hide for the next 90 days. Maybe he will go back to china and collect more checks from his mentors.

    Harris’ policies turned out to be recipes for disaster and every credible person on earth said her policies must not be allowed to be implemented. once again the democrats own ideas and concepts have proven they are not leaders just criminals.

    Now the democrats have only two games left. first Attack trump; hence jack smiths ugly face is back. Second is voter fraud; hence the push for mail in ballots and illegal alien votes.

    If you have not figured out yet that the democrats are not pro-america and could care less about you you are a very slow thinker.

  3. Harris is unprepared to be President. On thing I noticed was when she was asked a question she would look left with her head and eyes down. A person who reads people by their actions will tell you that is typical of someone who is lying. It wasn’t a live interview so how many times did they have to do the takes. How many of the questions were redone to suit her responses. She is a phony from day one and a woman who is trying to reach an office by backstabbing her boss in the back. Is that who you want as a leader? Her new bestie Tiny Tim can lie with the best of them. Talk about someone who likes to embelish themselves he is number one. I consider both of them Cancers to this government.


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