Smith is a perverted Demotard who takes orders from DemoRats even more perverse than he most certainly is. This cretin was willing to prostitute himself to the deep state in any role they conscribe him to. He should be tried and incarcerated for the crime of collusion in an successful felony prosecution of a former POTUS where the statute of limitations had certainly run out and for a non-crime that many DemoRats have not been charged . The Judge handling this trial, who is a DemoRat, who had contributed to Bidumb, also remarked before the trial began that he was convinced that DJT was guilty as charged! This entire show of egregious lawfare is illegal according to respected and codified American law. The DemoRats have perverted the legal system to convict an past American POTUS of 34 felonies in a show trial that should have never occured. This episode of the death of justice in America is endemic to the Demotard vision of where American justice stands today!
This guy sets the bar for Olympic “WEIRD.”
He did it to divide the President and First Lady
Smith is a perverted Demotard who takes orders from DemoRats even more perverse than he most certainly is. This cretin was willing to prostitute himself to the deep state in any role they conscribe him to. He should be tried and incarcerated for the crime of collusion in an successful felony prosecution of a former POTUS where the statute of limitations had certainly run out and for a non-crime that many DemoRats have not been charged . The Judge handling this trial, who is a DemoRat, who had contributed to Bidumb, also remarked before the trial began that he was convinced that DJT was guilty as charged! This entire show of egregious lawfare is illegal according to respected and codified American law. The DemoRats have perverted the legal system to convict an past American POTUS of 34 felonies in a show trial that should have never occured. This episode of the death of justice in America is endemic to the Demotard vision of where American justice stands today!
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I watched to the end. Very good broadcast.
Can anyone explain why jack smith, garland, and their entire staff is not in prison right now?
This bunch of demorats are criminals;they are the worst, Biden, Has broken every law aBOUT illegals.He should not be allowed to stay as pres.