Is Fetterman Getting RED PILLED?!?



Makes one wonder if the Left doesn’t try to push Fetterman out. If you don’t toe the line with their ideology, your out.

Fettermine has outed his self as someone with some morals. His political career is over.


  1. Funny how the dummycrats stole the Pennsylvania election for this freak from another planet and now he’s not agreeing with the current dummycrat political line, so now they want to deport him to his home planet.

  2. I love when the liberals get backfired from their hypocrisy! They will never be able to do the right things for us or our country everything they touch turns to shit. Narcissism at its best!

  3. I recently saw Sen. Fetterman speak about supporting Israel and he seemed so much better than he was, so since he may no longer be another Democratic puppet, they want to get rid of him. There is no end to what they will do to remain in power including destroying this country. They are well on their way of doing just that. Now Taking Trump off the ballots is their latest resort to winning. I find this deeply frightening if they get away with this latest horrific action.

    • it is disgusting ,, what they are doing .. fetterman seems like a different guy now , can we trust him ,is the question ,
      vote people vote . out with the dems that want to change this country forever .

  4. Fetterman is trying at this point to remain neutral but I still don’t trust him as far as I could spit. He’s a strange animal with tendencies that we can’t figure out. He flip flops so we can’t be sure where he is coming from day to day. If he’s trying to slip out of the liberal party who knows, the trust for him is not there especially how he spoke before he was elected.

  5. I don’t see how these jackasses can get away with removing President Trump from ballots, he hasn’t been convicted of any crimes they are accusing him of. Liberals love the intimidation tactics plus throw in the lies and manipulation to keep it going, it’s rather pathetic to see how many people have followed and are still following their lies.

  6. Tit for tat if Democrats can take someone off the ballot so can Republicans once they go down that hill it will never end we are looking at a civil war if this was to happen

  7. The only problem Fetterwoman has, is that the swamp criminals haven’t included him in their bribe and kickback scams! Once they get him onboard, he will start saying whatever script is handed to him! The only reason he sometimes makes sense now is because a lot of the propagandists haven’t got the memo to stop asking him questions!

  8. it is hilarious that a guy the democrats committed voter fruad to put in office as a dead person say vote is now rebelling against their corruption.

    the democrats are so evil that a recreational drug using trust fund baby with a brain addled by a stroke can understand the evil they are.


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