I was not expecting Bill Maher to bring this up!! lol



She has 0 credibility same as CNN



  1. Hey Kaitlan where does Kamala Harris stand on health care? Where does Kamala Harris stand on the Border? Where does Kamala stand on the economy? Oh that’s right she isn’t talking she is letting unnamed reps talk for her so she can deny that she said such things. What a HUGH BUNCH OF CRAP.

  2. “CNN is a place where both sides can watch?” Cue the laugh track! These people need only to ‘listen’ to the spew emanating out of their soup holes, to understand WHY CNN has been and is walking the dinosaur road, losing viewers by the minute. To claim that the ‘Marxist’ Harris’ speech was anything except baloney blather, with NO ‘substance’ for HOW she would CHANGE the catastrophe that is ‘Her’s’ and her bosses FAILURES, has to be the CHUTZPAH blarney of the last two centuries. As John Stossel would say, “GIVE ME A BREAK.”

  3. GOPS, REP, MAGAS, ALBINOS SUPER WHITE RACISTS. You keep accusing KAMALA HARRIS of being MARXIST, COMMUNISTS, Where in fact your cult leader HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY IS the only person in America that has his head fully up the Ass of PREZ PUTTIN THE KGB COMMUNIST BULLY. You all are weird Morons hillbillies ignoramus creatures.

  4. There is nothing on CNN that is honest. absolutely nothing. CNN is as far away from fair as you can get. Further that dumb bitch thinks that because she is from a conservative family and Alabama makes her fair! she is rebelling against her background and it is obvious.

    CNN lies as much as biden and schiff combined.

  5. Why does CNN NOT ask Kamala Harris why she does not do interviews OR take peoples Questions.

    Why does CNN keep lying about Harris, everybody has seen Harris for almost 4 years do nothing even when Biden put her in charge of Migration and the US-Mexico border. she did NOTHING.

    Why does CNN NOT talk about the Democrats leader wanted to remove Harris from Biden’s Ticket.

    Why does CNN NOT talk about How bad Camella Harris’s ratings were as vice president?
    And let’s not forget that she was voted the worst vice president ever.


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