You would be surprised as to a lot of them on line who can’t see through anything. Not sure what they do for a living. Must not be anything that lasts longer than a month. Especially on that Quora. I don’t even comment on that any more. There are some people that think that Joe Biden is the Answer to America. Joe needs to go. Nancy and Chuck and Mayorkas needs to go. He refuses to shut off the Border. That is orders from Joe Biden, who has no brain and his Buddies Obama and Clinton.
Thank you. My Mother never raised a stupid person. She was quiet and never got angry very often. When she did, hr Oklahoma Dander was something to see. If she were alive today, she would be the first one to condemn the Person who claims to be President. He isn’t a President. He is what they want for President that has no brain and can’t stop wondering off. Oh the Democrats are so ridiculous. Lets put it this way. I will not vote for a person with no Brain. I may be a Country Girl but I do have the sense that God Gave me. I love my Country. My Flag is out every single day. I am a person that believes the Tunnel to Towers was the fault of the Democrats.,The Republicans are wasting their time crying about how much money Joe Biden is getting to run for President. I don’t care how much the Demorats have raised. They can run off all the money they want on the printing presses. Still won’t buy my vote. I will never vote for a Democrat again. I will be happy to get rid of the Governor we now have in Colorado. He didn’t win either. He just whirled around and went back in the door in Colorado and said he was the winner. Not even a close call. So he is on his way out as well. The next election he has to prove he won. He is just like Biden who needs to pass a competency test. He can ever walk, much less pass a competency test. and any one that votes for him needs to pass one too.
The biggest problem with people today is they get their news on the (ABC) channels. Ask any democrat if they watch Newsmax! They’ll say what’s that? I’ve confronted many democrats about Biden’s cognitive decline and they say (he’s fine). Why are they in denial? Their hatred for Trump is so overwhelming that they can’t get out of their own way. I often wonder if they’ve been brainwashed.Many people they know are developing stage four cancer and severe heart problems not to mention cases of blood clotting. If you dare to mention the problems probably were caused by the Covid shots, they will deny this is the problem. How do we get the millions of people to read all the information available on the truth of this useless shot.
I second that emotion! I would also add every TDS afflicted talking head on those FAKE media networks! Sue them until they squeak and have to be TERMINATED from ever working in the public sector again.
Fancy Nancy makes every one think she is the innocent party. She is the one that set this Insurrection which it wasn’t up. Not one person had a gun. The Fact is that the Washington State Capital Building belongs to the Americans, and it doesn’t belong to any party of any kind. She can take her fist and stick it. She doesn’t own the Capital Building. The Dems will never take over this Country. Too many of us have fire arms and they are not taking our ability to defend ourselves from the people in Washington DC. There are so few people that are in Congress that actually believe in the fact that those in Charge of the Country do not belong to a Party. Just because the three past Presidents think that they are special, doesn’t mean that they are special. As far as I am concerned I wouldn’t walk across the street to shake their hands. You take the Secret Service from them and tell them to go out and talk to the public, they won’t they know that the Secret Service is the only ones between them and the rest of the Patriots of this Country.
I would love for all the lies exposed by the Democrats, News Media and the far left idiots. It would be amazing just to see what all politicians did behind closed doors and this includes Republicans, too. We don’t want to play favorites. It would be great if we saw every judge before the courts who played politics in their ruling. There wouldn’t be anyone left in Congress.
My sentiments exactly. The entire Congress needs to be sent packing. There is no one in there that is for America or Americans. Not one person. They are all for themselves. Needs to be cleaned out.
NO there would not be anyone left. Might be a couple of them. Not enough to run the Country. They keep posting something about Obummer. He keeps telling Biden what to do and so does Jill. Biden can’t even get off the stage and he is completely lost without someone to guide him.
We all know nothing is going to be done to any of these treasonous America haters with serve cases of TDS. The only person who will ever suffer any consequences is my President and unless this voter fraud is brought under control President Trump will never be President again in my opinion.
I truly believe you’re 100% correct.Bringing in millions of illegals to vote democrat is the way they plan on winning this election. How is this legal. Because Joe/Obama are making it legal. The people should be voting on this.
You can bet she is still doing that insider information. She is such a piece of puke. She has thumbed her nose at every person in the entire Country. She hates Trump so much that she is willing to have someone killed in order to keep her position in Congress. There are so many homeless in California. I hope someday that someone throws a bunch of fresh cow manure on her home. A fly over.
If Nancy’s looking into interventions, maybe she can help us understand how her husband the insider trading wunderkind hangs out in his underpants with guys?
It’s the sanctimonious attitude that liberals have that gets me. They love to say ‘insurrection’ but ignore that if it were true, Trump would not be able to run. They love to say ‘fair election’, but if the tables were turned and Trump had won under the exact same circumstances’ liberals would never accept the results. They know they are being lied to, that Individual 1 & Individual 2 never existed, but they will never acknowledge this. Liberals choose their ‘facts’ based on whether or not the fact supports their false reality and dismiss everything that doesn’t without any consideration. They don’t care about the truth or right & wrong, they care about their party remaining in power by any means necessary so they never have to admit they were wrong & can continue being arrogant hypocrites.
Biden will drop out of the race, Gaven Newsom will take the raines for the Dems.. Dumb and Dumber!! Joe will leave the Office early, This way Kimalla will be the first women pres.. for only a month or two, She will then Parden both Hunter and Joe from Any of the Crimes Commited Before, During and After he Leaves Office!!. This has been in the works for awhile now. Joes just playing as if he were running for Office, Another Demacratic Diversion tactic’s they do well!!!…The Worst part is that the Demicratic will All rally around him because he’s Young and can talk unlike Joe!, Even Worse is the fact that Newscoms will do exactly what he’s told to do and worse!! The Deep State is behind everything that will happen!!
Piglosi is the one who needs an intervention! She is grotesque and always has been. She tries to speak sooooo softly, tries to make us think she is a lady! Ha! Not even close. SHE planned and set up the whole J6 fiasco so she could impeach Trump, but the senate didn’t charge him, and did not impeach him. He still has not been charged with insurrection, nor has he been convicted!
Time to lock up piglosi,dipshift,cheney,and all those that framed Trump.What a sick,pathetic,bunch of lying,no good worthless,politicians , with TDS so bad ,it will eventually kill
The people who are Biden’s supporters only watch the liberal news so that’s why they don’t know what is really happening. If these people exercised their brain and at least have some input of what other news outlets are reporting they would know just how corrupt the liberal left party is. They are scared to hear that all their votes and now support for a person who is selling them down the river with no paddle. It’s not too late to see just how much Biden plus his administration and family are willing to sacrifice the USA to our enemies. Obama never gave up running this country from day one and if no one believes it then they are delusional. Many of us will never accept the way the liberal party is only out for the power, control and the money. This country was built on strength and courage by many of our people who gave their lives to protect us from tyranny. President Trump always gave his all the 4 years he was our president, always protected us from the enemies. We need him back to erase the nightmare of Biden and the rest of these horrible lying liberal clowns. Come November we need to unite to stop this evil madness. Stay safe patriots.
People wake up!!!!We are the brink of World War III. It won’t matter what your party preference is. Think about what your children and grandchildren’s future will look like. This is so scary!
I’ve been giving my comments online ever since the 1st year Obama ran for presidency. I saw in him how evil he is. His Hope and Change fooled many Americans. Bush was not ideal president but at least not thousands or tens of thousand lost their homes during Obama’s rule. Obama bankrupted Fannie & Freddie so the end result in CA homes were under water. Why? the government’s plan is to steal the homes. Many homes were auctioned and captured/sold taken over by the government. Unlike Trump he is war lover. War creators are Bush, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I love California but since bureaucracy and power hungry politicians ruled it, I told myself, it will soon be ruled by Communists. I sincerely believe that the fires in Middle Class communities were planned by the evil Demoncrats. Demoncrats want only power, money, and control. I puke on RINOs too. I pray that election 2024 will not be another Scam Election 2020 again. All lovers of this country and care for the future of their children and grandchildren will use this head this time. Don’t allow yourselves to be bribed. To be bribed to benefit you is just temporary. Security of this country and your loved ones is permanent.
That old hag is disgusting how she lies about President Trump! We see right through it!!!
You would be surprised as to a lot of them on line who can’t see through anything. Not sure what they do for a living. Must not be anything that lasts longer than a month. Especially on that Quora. I don’t even comment on that any more. There are some people that think that Joe Biden is the Answer to America. Joe needs to go. Nancy and Chuck and Mayorkas needs to go. He refuses to shut off the Border. That is orders from Joe Biden, who has no brain and his Buddies Obama and Clinton.
Audrey, well said you are a fine American. Not sure why some people just dont get it??
The Marxist Democrats are ruining our country. Nov. 2024 all the stops!
Thank you. My Mother never raised a stupid person. She was quiet and never got angry very often. When she did, hr Oklahoma Dander was something to see. If she were alive today, she would be the first one to condemn the Person who claims to be President. He isn’t a President. He is what they want for President that has no brain and can’t stop wondering off. Oh the Democrats are so ridiculous. Lets put it this way. I will not vote for a person with no Brain. I may be a Country Girl but I do have the sense that God Gave me. I love my Country. My Flag is out every single day. I am a person that believes the Tunnel to Towers was the fault of the Democrats.,The Republicans are wasting their time crying about how much money Joe Biden is getting to run for President. I don’t care how much the Demorats have raised. They can run off all the money they want on the printing presses. Still won’t buy my vote. I will never vote for a Democrat again. I will be happy to get rid of the Governor we now have in Colorado. He didn’t win either. He just whirled around and went back in the door in Colorado and said he was the winner. Not even a close call. So he is on his way out as well. The next election he has to prove he won. He is just like Biden who needs to pass a competency test. He can ever walk, much less pass a competency test. and any one that votes for him needs to pass one too.
The biggest problem with people today is they get their news on the (ABC) channels. Ask any democrat if they watch Newsmax! They’ll say what’s that? I’ve confronted many democrats about Biden’s cognitive decline and they say (he’s fine). Why are they in denial? Their hatred for Trump is so overwhelming that they can’t get out of their own way. I often wonder if they’ve been brainwashed.Many people they know are developing stage four cancer and severe heart problems not to mention cases of blood clotting. If you dare to mention the problems probably were caused by the Covid shots, they will deny this is the problem. How do we get the millions of people to read all the information available on the truth of this useless shot.
You are so right. She needs to go home or go to the nursing home.
I second that emotion! I would also add every TDS afflicted talking head on those FAKE media networks! Sue them until they squeak and have to be TERMINATED from ever working in the public sector again.
Fancy Nancy makes every one think she is the innocent party. She is the one that set this Insurrection which it wasn’t up. Not one person had a gun. The Fact is that the Washington State Capital Building belongs to the Americans, and it doesn’t belong to any party of any kind. She can take her fist and stick it. She doesn’t own the Capital Building. The Dems will never take over this Country. Too many of us have fire arms and they are not taking our ability to defend ourselves from the people in Washington DC. There are so few people that are in Congress that actually believe in the fact that those in Charge of the Country do not belong to a Party. Just because the three past Presidents think that they are special, doesn’t mean that they are special. As far as I am concerned I wouldn’t walk across the street to shake their hands. You take the Secret Service from them and tell them to go out and talk to the public, they won’t they know that the Secret Service is the only ones between them and the rest of the Patriots of this Country.
YEAH sue them and put them in the basement with Joe there slave daddy!
I will definitely 3rd that motion. I hope he does. They all deserve it. Like that old saying “what goes around comes around” Can’t be soon enough
I would love for all the lies exposed by the Democrats, News Media and the far left idiots. It would be amazing just to see what all politicians did behind closed doors and this includes Republicans, too. We don’t want to play favorites. It would be great if we saw every judge before the courts who played politics in their ruling. There wouldn’t be anyone left in Congress.
My sentiments exactly. The entire Congress needs to be sent packing. There is no one in there that is for America or Americans. Not one person. They are all for themselves. Needs to be cleaned out.
NO there would not be anyone left. Might be a couple of them. Not enough to run the Country. They keep posting something about Obummer. He keeps telling Biden what to do and so does Jill. Biden can’t even get off the stage and he is completely lost without someone to guide him.
Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats.
We all know nothing is going to be done to any of these treasonous America haters with serve cases of TDS. The only person who will ever suffer any consequences is my President and unless this voter fraud is brought under control President Trump will never be President again in my opinion.
I truly believe you’re 100% correct.Bringing in millions of illegals to vote democrat is the way they plan on winning this election. How is this legal. Because Joe/Obama are making it legal. The people should be voting on this.
He won’t be if they keep electing a person without a brain.
Nancy Polosi should be investigated for using congress insider information to invest and increase her family wealth.
You can bet she is still doing that insider information. She is such a piece of puke. She has thumbed her nose at every person in the entire Country. She hates Trump so much that she is willing to have someone killed in order to keep her position in Congress. There are so many homeless in California. I hope someday that someone throws a bunch of fresh cow manure on her home. A fly over.
This is going to ricochet and get all over the left’s shoes.
If Nancy’s looking into interventions, maybe she can help us understand how her husband the insider trading wunderkind hangs out in his underpants with guys?
It’s the sanctimonious attitude that liberals have that gets me. They love to say ‘insurrection’ but ignore that if it were true, Trump would not be able to run. They love to say ‘fair election’, but if the tables were turned and Trump had won under the exact same circumstances’ liberals would never accept the results. They know they are being lied to, that Individual 1 & Individual 2 never existed, but they will never acknowledge this. Liberals choose their ‘facts’ based on whether or not the fact supports their false reality and dismiss everything that doesn’t without any consideration. They don’t care about the truth or right & wrong, they care about their party remaining in power by any means necessary so they never have to admit they were wrong & can continue being arrogant hypocrites.
Biden will drop out of the race, Gaven Newsom will take the raines for the Dems.. Dumb and Dumber!! Joe will leave the Office early, This way Kimalla will be the first women pres.. for only a month or two, She will then Parden both Hunter and Joe from Any of the Crimes Commited Before, During and After he Leaves Office!!. This has been in the works for awhile now. Joes just playing as if he were running for Office, Another Demacratic Diversion tactic’s they do well!!!…The Worst part is that the Demicratic will All rally around him because he’s Young and can talk unlike Joe!, Even Worse is the fact that Newscoms will do exactly what he’s told to do and worse!! The Deep State is behind everything that will happen!!
Piglosi is the one who needs an intervention! She is grotesque and always has been. She tries to speak sooooo softly, tries to make us think she is a lady! Ha! Not even close. SHE planned and set up the whole J6 fiasco so she could impeach Trump, but the senate didn’t charge him, and did not impeach him. He still has not been charged with insurrection, nor has he been convicted!
Trump suing every news media and [politician for slander, I just hope that I’m called to be a juror….
Time to lock up piglosi,dipshift,cheney,and all those that framed Trump.What a sick,pathetic,bunch of lying,no good worthless,politicians , with TDS so bad ,it will eventually kill
The people who are Biden’s supporters only watch the liberal news so that’s why they don’t know what is really happening. If these people exercised their brain and at least have some input of what other news outlets are reporting they would know just how corrupt the liberal left party is. They are scared to hear that all their votes and now support for a person who is selling them down the river with no paddle. It’s not too late to see just how much Biden plus his administration and family are willing to sacrifice the USA to our enemies. Obama never gave up running this country from day one and if no one believes it then they are delusional. Many of us will never accept the way the liberal party is only out for the power, control and the money. This country was built on strength and courage by many of our people who gave their lives to protect us from tyranny. President Trump always gave his all the 4 years he was our president, always protected us from the enemies. We need him back to erase the nightmare of Biden and the rest of these horrible lying liberal clowns. Come November we need to unite to stop this evil madness. Stay safe patriots.
People wake up!!!!We are the brink of World War III. It won’t matter what your party preference is. Think about what your children and grandchildren’s future will look like. This is so scary!
I’ve been giving my comments online ever since the 1st year Obama ran for presidency. I saw in him how evil he is. His Hope and Change fooled many Americans. Bush was not ideal president but at least not thousands or tens of thousand lost their homes during Obama’s rule. Obama bankrupted Fannie & Freddie so the end result in CA homes were under water. Why? the government’s plan is to steal the homes. Many homes were auctioned and captured/sold taken over by the government. Unlike Trump he is war lover. War creators are Bush, Obama, Hillary, Biden. I love California but since bureaucracy and power hungry politicians ruled it, I told myself, it will soon be ruled by Communists. I sincerely believe that the fires in Middle Class communities were planned by the evil Demoncrats. Demoncrats want only power, money, and control. I puke on RINOs too. I pray that election 2024 will not be another Scam Election 2020 again. All lovers of this country and care for the future of their children and grandchildren will use this head this time. Don’t allow yourselves to be bribed. To be bribed to benefit you is just temporary. Security of this country and your loved ones is permanent.