Hang on! Bill Gates just said WHAT about vaccines? Are you kidding? | Redacted with Clayton Morris



What does Gates know about the science of vaccine development? Gates is an engineer who developed computer soft/hardware.

I am not vaccine hesitant. I am big pharma with their corporations hesitant. I do not think they have my best interests in mind.


  1. Fuck Bill and Melinda Gates
    Both of them need to be exterminated for what they have done to the people of not only this country but the world.

  2. what about all the damage that the Government does to our servicepersonal , VACCINES ARE MANDATORY..!! when I went in the service we were given the SHOTS with the NEW NEEDLE GUNS , SO THEY COULD GIVE UP 10-12 SHOTS AT ONE TIME & usally got It in both arms …all the crap in these shotz have come back to bite us on the ASS..!!

  3. Bill Gates (msnbc) is CATHOLIC “C” traitor.
    Jeff Bezos (Washington Post) is a CATHOLIC “C” traitor
    Murdoch (Aussie CATHOLIC ” C” ) owns lots of media.
    Bloomberg ( Jew= wannabe “C” traitor) owns lots of media.
    Control the media and you control the nation. (Joseph Goebbels,CATHOLIC ).
    Hitler was Control the media and you control the nation. (Joseph Goebbels, CATHOLIC ).
    Hitler was CATHOLIC.
    The media is controlled by the CATHOLIC “C” traitors. Look! Yahoo has about 5 articles recently on the wonderful Poopie.
    Have you ever heard of a honest CATHOLIC “C” nation?
    Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation?

    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and science is denied. All Catholics are traitors

    • Boy are YOU fucked in the head. Even though Hitler and Goebbels were raised Catholic, but BOTH walked away from the Catholic church and BOTH thought Hitler was a god. Bloomberg was NEVER Catholic, but he is a traitor to his own race and religion like George Soros is. The rest of those communist atheist losers only claim to be Catholic to get votes from their brain-dead drunk drug and sex addicted loser voters. You seem to give a pass to the Clintons, who say their Presbyterians, and Oboob, who says he’s with the Church of Christ and also says he’s a Muslim. I agree with Rose, STFU! You have NO idea what you’re talking about. BTW, I’m not Catholic.

  4. If ANYONE in this world listens to the maniac, misfit Bill Gates, they are in serious trouble. He is doesn’t even come close to even qualify to voice an opinion. He took credit for so many important creativity in the hi-tech, computer world that he definitely did NOT deserve. He robbed others of their accreditation and creativity to his own benefit. Fraud, fake, liar, and down right EVIL/


    Bill gates flunked out of undergrad college. his daddy and mommy started Microsoft for him and his daddy bought DOS from a company called Seattle Computing and then wrote the contract with IBM that really got Microsoft going.

    Bill Gates is not only not a medical expert he is not even a computing expert. he is only slightly more then a trust fund baby.

  6. With money comes power, greed, and evil. Gates has ALWAYS been a proponent of population control. The news that is leaking is he is sponsoring new vaccines that will be ready for some new virus that hasn’t even been disclosed.

    Make no mistake the elitists ARE trying to control people and HAVE the money and means to protect themselves and their families but NOT the general population, PERIOD! Their goal is to be controlling all aspects of society, population, how we think, brain control and even putting a mark or implant to control where we are and what we do.

    Meanwhile you have politicians in the elitists pockets that are doing exactly what they’re told and Gates is EQUALLY as dangerous as Soros!!!!

    This world is clearly dividing further and further apart and it IS coming down to good versus evil!

    You see the youth being indoctrinated with radical digusting morals and back terrorists, no character, dignity, manners, coutesy, values, or ethics. Even some millenials, the parents, who should have better sense now don’t even raise their children or discipline them, use filthy language, run amok, even go on these vandalizing and looting binges, and the government does nothing. The elites want it this way so they can take over!

    Be assured these illegals ARE NOT crossing for asylum! They are criminals, terrorists, those bringing disease back into this country to destroy it further at the request of US enemies who are also part of the elites.

    We have completely stupid ignorant people in this country who don’t research, are hateful, listening to propaganda with tactics used during the time of the Nazis like CNN, MSNBC, and other that spew such garbage and sbsurdity that they actually have people beliving things that should be basic common sense.

    Unless, this country acts like the forefathers and stands up to fight the tyranny of a current corrupt, preverted, evil, greedy, fearmongering, satanic, hateful group of people, ALL people will see the death of this great country and will not like the end result we as a country will not be able to come back from. It’s not just democrats but the RINOs on the republican side, and Never Trumpers because they know he is aware of those corrupt bought politicians!

    We have a disgusting evil government and you can just walk out your door and see the destruction of society while billions go to other countries like Ukraine, Iran, and even Gaza which we know Hamas is using those resources instead of that money going to US Citizens!

    There are dead Americans in Afghanistan and Bengazi with billions of equipment left we paid for and equipment supplied to Hamas by China while the so called perverted, senile, corrupt President and his son are profiting from China and Russia with so much evidence that nothing happens with a FBI and DOJ is giving authority to go after decent innocent who don’t agree with the corruption. Those veery illegals are taking even more taxpayer money to fund, house, give them food they throw away, shelter in $500 a night rooms while our own citizens die on the street and those very illegals are already killing, assaulting, breaking intto home, stealing cars, walk out of stores with thousands of dollars of items, thing our own citizens can’t even buy. Sick sick sick!

  7. Who rules the world? Listen to the Bible and THEN you know what is wrong; Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.
    Look around and you will see exactly ‘what acts of worship’ Satan demands. If you have questions I can answer them about the Bible, or if you would like to study the Bible online, email me and I will give you a link to an online Bible study course that is free.

    • The AntiChrist will be making his appearance soon on this planet by first claiming he is doing and producing good things for the people of planet Earth. He will have you believe he is our messiah and you will follow him, but he will reverse his act and all things evil from hell will break loose . How do I know this? Well, back in the Spring of the year 2009, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ appeared before me one night while I was sleeping and woke me up. He told me he was returning in the next 50 years. I asked him when exactly he was returning and he stated he didn’t know and only God the Father knew. Before I could ask him any more questions, he told me to listen to him. He instructed me to tell everyone I came in contact with to love each other as he has loved us, even our enemies. When this scenario spreads and magnifies across this planet and everyone does the most morally good things for and to their neighbors, the power of evil will disappear.

  8. I’m The Slime
    Song by Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention 1973 “Overnight Sensation” album


    I am gross and perverted
    I’m obsessed and deranged
    I have existed for years
    But very little has changed
    I’m the tool of the Government
    And industry too
    For I am destined to rule
    And regulate you
    I may be vile and pernicious
    But you can’t look away
    I make you think I’m delicious
    With the stuff that I say
    I’m the best you can get
    Have you guessed me yet?
    I’m the slime oozin’ out
    From your TV set
    You will obey me while I lead you
    And eat the garbage that I feed you
    Until the day that we don’t need you
    Don’t go for help, no one will heed you
    Your mind is totally controlled
    It has been stuffed into my mold
    And you will do as you are told
    Until the rights to you are sold
    That’s right, folks
    Don’t touch that dial
    Well, I am the slime from your video
    Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor
    I am the slime from your video
    Can’t stop the slime, people, look at me go
    I am the slime from your video
    Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor
    I am the slime from your video
    Can’t stop the slime, people, look at me go
    Source: Musixmatch
    Songwriters: Frank Zappa
    I’m The Slime lyrics © Munchkin Music


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