Gays do not belong in any kind of leadership position of government. It is a disgrace and it should be removed. All parents who let their children attend any of these things should be put in prison for endangering their children and the children should be taken away.
They have one agenda. Anyone who has worked with them realizes that any conversation eventually gets around to something, anything gay, from sex acts to body odor. I was walking with a male gay coworker and passed a blooming tree. He told me it smelled like c —m What a helluva’ thing to say to a woman. They are fixated on disgusting sexual acts and anything related. They need to be segregated until they can learn to assimilate into decent society. WE don’t care about you, or what you do behind closed doors, but for gawd’s sake. KEEP IT THERE!!!!!
Just like clowns, the drag queens and the alphabet people use bright colors to attract and entice children.
Gays do not belong in any kind of leadership position of government. It is a disgrace and it should be removed. All parents who let their children attend any of these things should be put in prison for endangering their children and the children should be taken away.
They have one agenda. Anyone who has worked with them realizes that any conversation eventually gets around to something, anything gay, from sex acts to body odor. I was walking with a male gay coworker and passed a blooming tree. He told me it smelled like c —m What a helluva’ thing to say to a woman. They are fixated on disgusting sexual acts and anything related. They need to be segregated until they can learn to assimilate into decent society. WE don’t care about you, or what you do behind closed doors, but for gawd’s sake. KEEP IT THERE!!!!!
Oh look Mickey Mouse has a brother!!!!