This is why the 2024 election was so important. We knew Democrats, activist judges, and the radical Left would do everything possible to stop President Trump from securing our country.
How does a judge outrank the president?! Ridiculous
Sooo there is NO difference between,green card holders who have worked HARD,(got in line,petitioned, learned the rules and laws ,took the tests) to set the right tone for their families future and those who have come here illegally ,just jumping IN FRONT of OTHERS ,(because it inconveniences them),because others don’t matter ….GOT IT !
Enough is enough…if your going to continue to block the president Everytime he tried to save this country from these criminals then there is only one answer left. We just need to start killing them. Don’t waste the time the money the energy trying to fight these STUPID Democrats anymore. Let’s go by keep it simple stupid just put an end to them literally.
This judge along with the ACLU needs needs to be eliminated completely. All activist judges need to be removed from office. The ACLU at one time in history was a good thing but for too many decades they’ve been anti American pro illegal. The ACLU has done everything in the last decade to hurt America, they need to be investigated, they need to be defunded. President Trump needs to do what Biden did ignore the courts orders and save America.