This is why the 2024 election was so important. We knew Democrats, activist judges, and the radical Left would do everything possible to stop President Trump from securing our country.
How does a judge outrank the president?! Ridiculous
Sooo there is NO difference between,green card holders who have worked HARD,(got in line,petitioned, learned the rules and laws ,took the tests) to set the right tone for their families future and those who have come here illegally ,just jumping IN FRONT of OTHERS ,(because it inconveniences them),because others don’t matter ….GOT IT !
Not for these criminals, my God what is the matter with you!!!
Enough is enough…if your going to continue to block the president Everytime he tried to save this country from these criminals then there is only one answer left. We just need to start killing them. Don’t waste the time the money the energy trying to fight these STUPID Democrats anymore. Let’s go by keep it simple stupid just put an end to them literally.
I agree enough alre3ady they are criminals of the worst kind!
Justifiable homicide!
This judge along with the ACLU needs needs to be eliminated completely. All activist judges need to be removed from office. The ACLU at one time in history was a good thing but for too many decades they’ve been anti American pro illegal. The ACLU has done everything in the last decade to hurt America, they need to be investigated, they need to be defunded. President Trump needs to do what Biden did ignore the courts orders and save America.
Don’t be fooled by the ACLU. It has NEVER been a good thing. That organization was started in the early 20th century and the founding dickheads were all Marxist and the official goal of the ACLU is communism.
America should get the picture now: Dems, leftists, marxists are the enemy of America and true Americans…Dems take the side of illegals over us citizens, lies over truth, division over unity, so, trans and other rights over all others which is not equality….equity is a socialistic political tool and has no place in constitutional republic. Freedom of speech is granted by our Const. not by how marxists define it. The const. tells us to impeach all those who do not abide by the laws contained in it. Let’s start doing it now. Stand up to the tyranny on the left from burning down our cities to appointing marxist judges. Trump is leading the way.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Those blocking law enforcement and leaking need to be charged with treason. Trump’s admin is trying to make America safe again and these radicals die-hard leftist a**holes are sabotaging it every step of the way. They are protecting the criminals and making it very unsafe for law enforcement and American citizens. They have gotten away with this crap for far too long. Go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200!
Idaho wants the firing squad instead of lethal injection. All these Democrats crying the blues about all this deportation sanctuary city crap thinks nothing will happen to them when it comes to crimes. Either these gangs are getting paid off or the judge is getting paid off or these mentally deranged Democrats have bodyguards. No one in their right mind would want a murderous gang in their neighborhoods.
Except crazy insane democrats!
Sounds like Idaho might be a good place to move to.
Do what the Dem’s did ignore them!