Fani Willis Told To Recuse Herself from Trump Case or FACE JAIL!



You have a republican Governor and Attorney General who are doing nothing to stop this crap hole sham.

Judge Macaffe needs to be disbarred along with willis


  1. Not sure if we want Fani to visit us here at the Woman’s Lockup and Higher Learning Center at Jessup, but she might make a couple good friends? The former Baltimore Prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby made a small mistake during the Chynese Covid attack on us and decided to get 2 loans for vacation homes in Florida. I believe that Special Prosecutor Hur wasn’t so nice to her as he recently was with President Bribem. She wasn’t “too old” to go to prison, and was found guilty. She learn’s her sentence in May. I believe former Mayor Pugh might enjoy Fani’s company as well? She went down for not paying taxes on her child magazines she was pushing on the side, “Heather The Happy Hooker”, or something like that? But those 3 would love each other’s company and she wouldn’t get in trouble with “Ma Bell”. When I lived in Atlanta, I used to go by “Southern Bell” almost every day. But I have a question for Fani: “Did Nate get to keep the remainder of that almost $600,000”? Why is it that the biggest criminals are usually working in the courtrooms putting honest people like President Trump in jail, when they are the ones that belong in Stoney Lonesome? Come to Maryland, “America In Minature”.

  2. fani has a dirty back yard and got to big for her britches
    needs jail time and disbarred simple

    • don’t you love IT when we break the law, we lose it all. When our employees break the law, they lose their job? Since when has misappropriating public funds become legal? I’d say, IT all started on April 9 1865, when the republic of We the People was destroyed by a yankee, atheist, racist tyrant Abraham Lincoln. Then 98 years later, the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963. The POTUS killed by the DEEP STATE & MIC


    Willis broke the law. there is no choice about is. no one else is given choices. that fact that Willis is given options at all shows just how corrupt MaCaffe is.

    Both MaCaffe and Willis need to be in prison.

    Seems to be the standard for all of these trump attackers. James and Engoron are both breaking the law. Braggs lets murderers go free will making up fake crimes against trump. Smith is on thin ice with the judges in his trump political attack case.

    The corruption of these democrat/soros lawfare criminals is amazing.

  4. This is why man’s governments NEVER work out and are always full of corruption; Jeremiah 10:23 I well know, O Jehovah (Psalms 83:18), that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. — This is an absolute truth since men & women are imperfect. Think on this; how well has it worked out with men ruling men? How many wars have there been over the last 2000 years? How many wars are going on RIGHT now? Go ahead; goggle it and you will be shocked at the answer. Get ready for the great reset coming very soon; it is called the Great Tribulation which ends this Satan ruled (Luke 4:1-8) system of things. If you would like to receive all of the information on hell, which does not exist, please email me at [email protected] and request the info about hell. If you have questions about the Bible, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. Also, I can direct you to a free HOME Bible study course where you can study the Bible FOR FREE IN YOUR OWN HOME. Ask for the link to the Bible study via email.

    • section 6 of the constitution…. “judges are to hold their office, only under times of GOOD BEHAVIOR”. Restore the republic, deport all communist and other anti-American low life trash

  5. Blah blah blah…..the Bible is a crock of baloney.
    Jesus would throw up if he watched his descendants kill 30,000 plus human beings. Of course Fani, her stupid boyfriend, and all her DEI ilk should be tossed in jail. Georgia is a joke .. all totally serious about everything that is worthless. Buy protective weapons before the creeping Atlanta violence comes to your door in the middle of the night….or before someone steals your child and throws it in the Chattahoochee. Seems like the DA would be interested in things like this. But she wants to sip wine and see the world on the inflated salary she gave her lying boyfriend. While we are at it, why was a judge with such close ties to Fani allowed to hear the case? Because (most) Georgians seem to lack any kind of common sense with the possible exception of Fran Tarkenton.


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