Ex-Obama adviser warns Dems: This would rip the country apart



Anyone still supporting Biden/the Democrats over Trump at this point isn’t playing with a full deck.

I think America and the world will appreciate Trump more if he gets reelected. I know I will.


  1. You know why Americans love TRUMP is he is a fighter for the people and the Democrats hate him and fear him for it gotta live TRUMP

  2. You know why Americans love TRUMP is he is a fighter for the people and the Democrats hate him and fear him for it gotta love TRUMP

  3. I love President Trump because he truly cares about the country. He’s not looking to win a popularity contest, he just wants what is best for the country. I pray he wins. Biden has already practically ruined this country. Enough of him and his administration

  4. Trump has his faults as everyone does. Trumps faults are far less and no where near as bad as biden or most of the democrats with their new objective of installing socialism.

  5. The Marxists (aka, Democrats) have already ripped the country apart. What is happening to Trump, and Trump voters, is not politics as usual in this country which has a constitution prohibiting much of what the deep state is doing, but this is a lawless cult of evil that we have to fight against or be devoured.

  6. Why would the dummycrats care about tearing the country apart when they’re trying to destroy it? Oh, I forgot. The dummycrats want to just destroy our way of life and replace it with a communist one world government that they will run. Tearing the country apart means a second shooting civil war which the dummycrats will lose and their one world Marxist government dreams will be shattered. Trump/Vivek 2024!


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