E. Jean Carroll Gets BAD NEWS From Judge Engoron In 2024



Donald J. Trump – the PEOPLES CHAMP!

TRUMP is one tough bastard! MAGA BABY!


  1. I would love to sue E Jean Carrol for 2 million for the pain and suffering she caused me and Donald Trump! Perhaps put her in prison for life for fraud, lies hateful actions.

    • No, so far they don’t eat their own. Right now their focus is on Pres. Trump – they won’t go each other until their are no other innocent victims.

  2. There shouldn’t be any trials in the state of New York, the jurors are too weak in the head to see when someone is scamming them!

  3. She is one ugly “female”. She is certainly not Pres. Trump’s taste in women and he certainly would have never approached her sexually, especially in a dressing room! She certainly has no class and just wanted to get rich quick. Why did this lawsuit occur now instead of when it supposedly happened? She can go play with her mouse friends in the woods. I sure hope that Pres. Trump can counter-sue her for at least the amount she got from that joke of a trial and then sue for defamation of character on top of that. I nor anyone I know has ever heard of her before so she must not have been too great of an author.

  4. aaaaww poor E Jean Carrol! all those lies. all that fake news all that whimpering in court only to find out the dmeocrats used you and tossed you aside.

    E Jean Carrol is just exactly the same as every black and Hispanic in america. She is exactly the same as the LGBTQ community and the feminists. she is exactly the same as BLM.

    the dmeocrats use you until you are no further value to them and toss you aside like moldy cheese.

    It’s the democrat way.


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