Donald J. Trump just won the 2024 Election.



Trump should send the Dumbocrats a thank You letter! They’re his best promoters!

Only makes me support President Trump even more.


  1. Trump already had my vote. Now I’m working harder getting voters signed up to vote for him.
    I really don’t understand how anyone would want communism to take over this country.
    Also, why anyone would want this country flooded with near-do-wells and terrorist, at the rate of 100,000+ per day is beyond me to understand, Other than to change the demographics of this country, like the communist did in S, Africa and Rhodesia, changing it into a one party communist government

  2. We have a corrupt Democrat Party, a corrupt Main Stream News media, a corrupt president in the White House, a corrupt educational system, and a corrupt voting ballot system that leads to widespread voter fraud. What could go wrong?
    Donald Trump wins in 2024? I will believe when I see it.

  3. U R Right Diane!God Be With Him And US!Merry Xas To ALL,N. A Bless New 2024!,,πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    If Mr. Trump loses his case against DA Mr. Bragg, I am concerned that Democrats will feel empowered to finish their goal of destroying the US of A. All the events I am reading about the mess we are living everyday clearly show that we have a large population of our own enemies. And they are mostly Democrats, if not all.
    In fact, even if Mr. Trump wins all his indictments (which I believe he will), we must end the present arragement and create a new one. Why? There is no way we can turn around this situation as Mr. Trump believes he can. No way, JosΓ©. It’s too late for such wishful thinking.
    Thus I suggest RED states should seriously consider seceding from the actual Union and band together to create a new Union under an amended US Constitution with bullet proof rules and safeguards, without the blue States. I am not concerned about leaving the Blue States out. I am absolutely sure that once the body politics of these States realize the seriousness of this decision they will either 1) move to red States or 2 ) claim admission to the new Union as a Red State.
    Ben Franklin once said “a republic, if you can keep it”. Well, it’s no longer a republic and we can’t keep it Mr. Franklin.


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