Did Trump Just Win The Presidency?



I had a “retarded” brother – 2 years older. His name was Stephen. He was very gentle and sweet. He would hear Music – and go over and start playing it on the Piano – when he wasn’t even tall enough to see the keyboard. He died in 1961 @ 2am Halloween Morning of Spinal Meningitis at the age of 8. I was 6. I grew up knowing he was retarded. I loved him deeply. I remember helping him go up and down our house stairs. Since he had problems with that. I will still cry when I hear a certain song – that he loved to play on the Piano. Crud, I’m crying right now typing about him. My mom told me and my twin brother – that when we started to go to School – Stephen asked her – when HE got to go to school. Since no school existed for him to attend. My mother – who was not a Teacher – got a School started for the mentally handicapped. Stephen never got to attend that school – since he was dead by the time she got that into Fruition. My mom became a Teacher and dealt with these handicapped or retarded Children. Eventually my Dad also became a Teacher – going back to University after being laid off from his long term job – and he also worked with many various children. Abortions should not be allowed. Abortion is the murder of 100% innocent Human Life. Stephen was a beautiful child. I don’t know what he would be doing NOW – if he was still alive. Possibly living with me and my wife. We took in her Dad – the last 7 years of his Life – when he was senile; and having difficulties. But I never had to ‘deal’ with Stephen for years and years… I just know that for the brief time I knew him – he was wonderful.

The only state Haley can win is the state of Denial


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