Did anyone else notice this…?



I’d still rather vote for a felon than a potato. Who else is riding the Trump train in November?

Jill is hanging onto that White House for dear life… it’s so sad.


  1. What is sad about Jill hanging on to the White House for dear life. This way she has the Secret Service to pick up Joe Biden when he fails to figure out where he is. I feel Sorry for the Secret Service for having to be at your beck and call all the time. If it were not for the Secret Service you would be out of our Misery. You knew all along that his brain was gone. Your no better than any one in Congress who thinks that “just give the old SOB a pill and he will be fine.” The only reason that your Son isn’t in Prison is because his Dad saves him every time. Your whole family is so corrupt that the White House should be fumigated life after Hilary Clinton and Billie Willies Mistresses were in the White House. The person posing as the President of the United States of America is an old fool, who should be in a sanatorium and you and your Son should be in Jail for all the problems with China and Russia. We need someone in the White House who cares about America and the Taxpayers. This old Poop in there is not my President. The person in Colorado who is in the State House needs to move on. He was a reject from California who got in big trouble out there and then acted like he was in trouble because he is Gay. If the shoe fits then wear it. Now Polis is trying to suck the life out of Colorado by issuing Edicts . What the heck does he need all these people round him to sign all this garbage for. Doesn’t change the fact that he is not what we voted for He knows the Western Slope isn’t going to vote for him. Judicial Watch is going to make Polis count every vote. If there is any dogs ,cats, dead people and or illegals voting for him, he is going to Prison. When I told my Uncle that he was our Governor, he sent his Condolances because he already knew that this person is so corrupted that they ran him out of California. Its not because he is gay and a racists. Its because he think that nobody know why he left California. Please vote for a Republican or an Independent.


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