Democrat Threatens Assassination, Host Doesn’t Even Care



So the media will dissect Trump’s use of the word “vermin” for days, but Goldman suggests Trump be “eliminated” and crickets?!

It really sucks that we have to hope for a benevolent billionaire to protect our free speech when that is the duty of all of our elected leaders.


  1. Here we thought that our fears should be directed towards the influx of radical muslims and other illegals, when all the while it’s our own country’s left wing democrats that are the biggest enemy we have.

  2. Those deranged monsters (who are nothing but human excrement) have been screaming about Trump ever since they learned that he won, demanding that he be impeached, when he had not even taken the Oath of Office! That shows that collectively, they are mentally diseased, and must be put down like the COCKROACHES that infest nasty homes. The scum REFUSE to do anything that will benefit the law-abiding American taxpaying citizens, only the CRIMINALS who have invaded our Country! It is time to start hanging traitors!!

  3. It’s all about their job when in office and has nothing to do with JOE public. Get a load of money as soon as you get in the so called swamp
    and get out as soon as it gets hot and it becomes known what dick
    you really are.I like Trump because he is off the street and not a political
    guy when he first won office.There is NOT one person running for the
    oval office that i could even suggest to put on his ticket Both Dem & Rep. Rather he has a person he can trust on board with him.

    One item they want his head for Over valuing is golf course at millions
    more then they think it should be-But i believe the banks had a chance
    to accept or reject the value. Did any one read the private island on
    sale in Floria @ $370 million?

  4. It’s all about their job when in office and has nothing to do with JOE public. Get a load of money as soon as you get in the so called swamp
    and get out as soon as it gets hot and it becomes known what dick
    you really are.I like Trump because he is off the street and not a political
    guy when he first won office.There is NOT one person running for the
    oval office that i could even suggest to put on his ticket Both Dem & Rep. Rather he has a person he can trust on board with him.

    One item they want his head for Over valuing is golf course at millions
    more then they think it should be-But i believe the banks had a chance
    to accept or reject the value. Did any one read the private island on
    sale in Floria @ $370 million?

  5. Notice whenever someone threatens assassination to any dummycrat they run and hide under their bed with a security blanket while wimpering sucking their thumb. Dummycrats are the biggest shit talking cowards in the world.


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