Crowd Roars As RFK Jr Gives His Real Opinion of Bill Gates



Nuremburg 2.0 for Gates and Fauci at minimum.



  1. Gates is a fungus who is quietly oozing into the RED states. He is building a nuclear plant in WYOMING… a small, financially distressed town called Kemmerer… LOOK IT UP!!…. this nerd weenie is getting into NUCLEAR… and BTW, they are looking to fire up one of the Three-Mile Island reactors that had the meltdown in Pennsylvania to service Microsoft’s cloud. Once again Bill Gate’s stink all over it. .. What about the people who need energy????? Who is benefiting here? People, get your head out of the sand, start being aware of WTF is going on………. Do you see a pattern here, folks??? We let Biden/ Hyenea f us over and look where we are, and act II is already firing up… Watch Bill GATES…. Please….

    • Wow! Thanks for sharing that Markie. I knew about all of his land grab, but wasn’t aware of the rest. He needs to be stopped and contained.

  2. Fauci, Collins and Walenski all acted illegally, actively displacing and breaking existing properly legislated law by Bureaucratic Fiat, for the mutual benefit of the Health Bureaus and Big Pharma ( with a provable death count ) It might even be hard to put together an unbiased Jury. Vaccines are often not proven and vetted to the degree that is needed. When someone declares themselves to be ” The Science ” is either a Crook or a fool, or both.

  3. The entire Covid Agenda with its shut downs and forced vaccinations was 100% criminal Treason. Those like Gates and Fauci who planned to get rich from it used advanced planning and investments to take, take, take. One of the many illegal orders given involved shutting down our court houses and alleged Halls of Justice. Unbelievable. I never thought I’d actually see a locked up courthouse in my life. Sure enough, and for several years. No justice. No access to justice. A joke. Of course, the chief justices responsible were 100% owned. More dirty, corrupt officials.

  4. Gates wants to spew particulates into the atmosphere to cut the sun’s rays.

    He has just admitted that the sun causes Global Warming.

  5. gates should have been in prison for live years ago. he has always been pure evil. Don’t credit him for microsoft either. his mommy and daddy really built that company.


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