Congress ERUPTS as Ted Cruz HUMILIATES Transgender Activist to her face



Allowing a sexual predator into women’s restrooms and fighting for his rights by discriminating against women is pure evil.

This woman SHOULD NOT BE A JUDGE in America. This is a no brainer.


  1. The Agenda to eliminate and reduce biological females back to nobodies will fail. The scientists are producing more species now just from males. Artificial wombs and Petri dishes are replacing biological females. If trans men were allowed to compete in “women’s sports” and if trans men were allowed to take over women’s restrooms, where would females be safe? This is Islam succeeding in America. Just take a look at what American soldiers were forced to accept in Afghanistan and most of the Middle East. Sharia law reduces females to nothings. They are forced to stay home and wear coverings to remain invisible. They are the servants and slaves of males.

  2. A robot family would be more natural than a trans family. It’s NOT normal. There’s absolutely NOTHING normal about it! This is a back door for the perverts. People are born TWO different genders, period. They’re screwing with God’s creations and will pay the price on judgement day. Transgenders are “Its” – no gender. They can mutilate bodies, remove body parts, add body parts and feed them hormone drugs but they are still genetically what they were born as – they are just now a mutant freak. Does anyone wonder why there are more “female” transgenders than “male transgenders? It’s legalizing sexual perversion.

  3. Trans is nothing but mental illness, u are what u are, GOD doesn’t make mistakes, u can try to change, but u are still, what u were born as, fkg period. This judge is a farce, and joke.

  4. Not at all surprising they took the video down. It would definitely portray the individual as a freak show promoter. And individuals like that do not belong on any court bench or in any elected or appointed office.

  5. Just gotta be another Joltin’ demented, corrupt, Joe Biden DEI placement! What an imbecilic, brain compromised, walking dead, example in a robe.


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