You have the absolute right to advertise as you wish about your own products ( as long as this does not break existing law ). You DO NOT have a right to demand that people respond to that advertising as you may have intended.
It’s so hard to be that so many major companies fell for the DEI bullsh*t! Common sense tells you that merit-based employment has been proven to be effective. Experience and track record speaks volumes! Hiring based on race and gender identity and no experience is guaranteed to fail. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Ford is another company that going UN-Woke. I’m from the old school, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Sure, one can improve but to change to something so radical was utterly stupid. I hope other WOKE companies wake up before they go belly-up. It’s not for their sake but for the innocent employees that will lose their jobs because of WOKE management. I also hope that the WOKE management is given their termination notices. It’s time to get back to normal and bury this WOKE ideology once and for all. We desperately need to work on the WOKE military next – our nation’s survival is dependent on that. Fire all of the WOKE establishment everywhere!
The same has happened with other products that have “rebranded”. For example, Aunt Jemima’s market share fell from 32% in 2017 to 24% in 2020 and that is just looking just at pancake mix, not syrup or other products. It’s still a popular product BUT it has lots and lots of $$$$ and continues to lose $$$$. Corporate cowards cowering to cancel cultists cost companies considerable cash !!!!
An interesting racial issue is the Agenda to force Americans to call all peoples of Mexico, Central America and South America the word “Hispanic”. Hispanic was invented in the 1970s to confuse Americans and get such people more money. Americans are called “racist” if they call a Mexican a Mexican. Social programming forces Americans to use the “new” words. Hispanic sort of means “from Spain”, and someone born and raised in Columbia or Guatemala is not Spanish. Brazil, which does not speak Spanish, has formally opted out of all the Hispanic crap. Tired of being manipulated?
No business should take sides on these controversial issues. Every good CEO should have learned that a long time ago. Time, I guess, for Bud’s CEO to take a Sixpack, of their transgender piss, and get the hell out of town.
Buttlick beer from analhouser Busch is crappy beer. So are the rest of their products.
The problem analhouser Busch has is they hire evy league executives. The result is stupid management.
Afterall. Pick any four of your friends. You can probably create a kick ass beer advertisement. Eve league executives clearly can not.
Analhouser Busch is about to hit the second year of lower sales. They will loose more store shelve space. That will lead to even lower sale. Analhouser Busch is becoming another company that we use to know.
You have the absolute right to advertise as you wish about your own products ( as long as this does not break existing law ). You DO NOT have a right to demand that people respond to that advertising as you may have intended.
It’s so hard to be that so many major companies fell for the DEI bullsh*t! Common sense tells you that merit-based employment has been proven to be effective. Experience and track record speaks volumes! Hiring based on race and gender identity and no experience is guaranteed to fail. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Ford is another company that going UN-Woke. I’m from the old school, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Sure, one can improve but to change to something so radical was utterly stupid. I hope other WOKE companies wake up before they go belly-up. It’s not for their sake but for the innocent employees that will lose their jobs because of WOKE management. I also hope that the WOKE management is given their termination notices. It’s time to get back to normal and bury this WOKE ideology once and for all. We desperately need to work on the WOKE military next – our nation’s survival is dependent on that. Fire all of the WOKE establishment everywhere!
The same has happened with other products that have “rebranded”. For example, Aunt Jemima’s market share fell from 32% in 2017 to 24% in 2020 and that is just looking just at pancake mix, not syrup or other products. It’s still a popular product BUT it has lots and lots of $$$$ and continues to lose $$$$. Corporate cowards cowering to cancel cultists cost companies considerable cash !!!!
They can keep their trans fluid beer.I think they should put big black c**** with hair around.
The rim for the creatures that drink it
An interesting racial issue is the Agenda to force Americans to call all peoples of Mexico, Central America and South America the word “Hispanic”. Hispanic was invented in the 1970s to confuse Americans and get such people more money. Americans are called “racist” if they call a Mexican a Mexican. Social programming forces Americans to use the “new” words. Hispanic sort of means “from Spain”, and someone born and raised in Columbia or Guatemala is not Spanish. Brazil, which does not speak Spanish, has formally opted out of all the Hispanic crap. Tired of being manipulated?
No business should take sides on these controversial issues. Every good CEO should have learned that a long time ago. Time, I guess, for Bud’s CEO to take a Sixpack, of their transgender piss, and get the hell out of town.
Buttlick beer from analhouser Busch is crappy beer. So are the rest of their products.
The problem analhouser Busch has is they hire evy league executives. The result is stupid management.
Afterall. Pick any four of your friends. You can probably create a kick ass beer advertisement. Eve league executives clearly can not.
Analhouser Busch is about to hit the second year of lower sales. They will loose more store shelve space. That will lead to even lower sale. Analhouser Busch is becoming another company that we use to know.