BOMBSHELL Vaccine Data – This Could Change EVERYTHING!



What’s really sad to me is how many people will STILL defend the shots even after this goes public and proven! 🙁

I left Australia after 10 years, and a 200k a year job, when the jab was being forced in the civil construction industry. There was never a nanosecond that I would have ever considered putting this poison experiment into my healthy immune system. People must have been insane to have gone along with this. Within 3 months of the outbreak it was established that the cov had a 0.003% mortality rate with an average age of 82.5. This didn’t change over the next 2 years. There was never any danger. This could have all been treated as a cold and essentially ignored. No lockdowns and no jabs. It still boggles my mind that healthy people willingly queued up for this poison jab, despite the horrendous récords of these pharma companies and the fact that 12 separate companies around the world had ‘miraculously’ all created this ‘vaccine’ within a few months, when a real vaccine can take over 10 years. EVERYTHING about all of this stank from day 1, yet people just went along with all of it without a shred of sceptiscism or doubt. Absolute madness.


  1. Why is it that everything the dems support is a hoax ? Covid vaccine mandates, climate change, safe borders, controlled immigration, support Israel, Afghanistan withdrawal was a success, bidenomics is a success, & America first, it’s actually last.
    What a disgraceful list of blunders.
    The only issue they want to talk about is the largest hoax of all is Jan 6th. They created it & have dragged it out for 4 years and now they’re in a hurry to move the trials so as to interfere with the elections in 2024.
    Trying to steal another election.
    The dems are the THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY. Pardon the J6rs & fill the cells with the biden, obama administration’s for treason.

  2. I think our founders would have defined insurrection as someone with a gun not a big mouth …. Jan 6th was a riot plain and simple.

    • “U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday that they arrested more than 300 Pro-Palestinian protesters who held a demonstration inside a U.S. House office building in Washington D.C., over the Israel-Hamas war.”

      “A throng of protesters pushed past a police line, storming up steps to pound on the doors of the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday after the Senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.”

      “On Tuesday, radical left insurrectionists stormed the Texas State Capitol as proceedings were taking place on a bill that aimed to ban child sex surgeries. These groups, who promote child mutilation, caused chaos both inside and outside the House Chamber Gallery. The agitation grew to such an extent that House Speaker Dave Phelan was forced to order the state police to clear the gallery so that proceedings could continue”

      “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration. At least 217 people were arrested in the melees, police said.”

      “Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker”
      Donald Trump rushed to ‘terror attack’ bunker as violent George Floyd riots rage near White House – YouTube

      “The radical left-wing May 19th Communist Organization, Judy Clark, Marilyn Buck and Susan Rosenberg who on Nov. 7, M19 blended in with the tourists and staffers who swarmed the US Capitol. They stashed a Puma-branded duffel bag under a bench just outside the Senate chamber, an area no longer open to the public. The blast that night punched a 15-foot crater in a brick wall.
      Two years later they assisted in the notorious Brink’s robbery of 1981, which killed two Nyack police officers and a bank guard.”


  3. Sadly MILLIONS of people were FORCED into taking it or be FIRED. Dr. Falsi (Fauci) REFUSED to tell how much $$ he was paid by pharmaceutical companies. How many other Dummy KKK RATS took $$? Reminds me of the Green Energy Scam. Everything Dummy KKK RATS do is a Money Laundering SCAM.

  4. my ex-wife is a hardcore leftist. she believes everything any democrat says. She has had every covid booster, plus and extra one and all of the mRNA flu shots. She actually increased the number of vax’s she gets to prove she was pro-vax.

    The Ex-wife gives blood every other month to prove she cares about people. the blood bank called her up and told her not to donate anymore because her blood clots and there is nothign they can do to stop it.

    The blood bank gave her the name of a specific doctor she needed to see. He is a CDC doctor in walla walla washington. there is no cdc office in walla walla. Why do they have a doctor there?

    This tells me the CDC knows all about the covid shot problems and they are still pushing for them. It is also clear the ex-wife just became a prime subject of the CDC’s mRNA experiment.


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