Black Substitute Teacher Knocks Out Student For Calling Him the N Word Justified?!



A fight over a word is a no go. But the student attacking a teacher and trying to hit him, is warranted for him to defend himself.

Yea, I’m a black man and I can say if you’re an adult and physically attack someone because of name calling you are actually the N-word. That means nothing to me and I’m 51 yrs old.


  1. He’s a substitute teacher! Take the color out and nothing changes. Striking a student because of a terrible word is not only terrible, but now we know why anybody thinks they can get away with anything and cry victim.

  2. Hey Trish are you old enough to know that when a person is attacked they have a right to defend themselves? That dose not have any thing to do with color it has to do with self defense and it dose not matter if they are a substitute or not. I will bet that if a person took a swing at you with intent you would do what ever to defend yourself.I am whit and I sure as hell would considering the way this country is going.

  3. Maybe instead of throwing a punch, he could have used defense and control tactics when the CHILD escalated the aggression.

  4. If we can’t see what actually happened, how are we supposed to determine whether or not the teacher’s actions (or the student’s for that matter) were justified?

    This falls under the category of CLICK BAIT.

  5. This teacher needs to be in prison. the student was offensive, but that is not an excuse for assault and battery. The teacher has anger issues and rage issues. he needs to be kept away from children and society as a whole.

    Charge the teacher with child abuse, assault, and attempted murder. classify him as have aggression, rage, anger, and mental issues. Put him in prison for 5 years and then require psycho treatment for life.

  6. What ever went with the old saying that prevented many hand to hand combat confrontations bak-in-tha-day, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me?”

    If the teacher was physically attacked, he/she would certainly be justified in “Defending Themselves.”

    • the teacher was verbally attacked much as he likely verbally attacked the students constantly. pretty horrible teacher when they have such little class control that this stuff happens

  7. I’m going to say something that will probably trigger everybody. The big “N” word was never meant to be racist. It started in the south. Everybody said it back in the day and meant nothing bad in saying it. I’m 73 and the generation before mine murdered the English language. Some places in the South still do. Instead of saying Negro,……. It was the people trying to stir up racial discord and everybody hopped on board. Black people called white people Honkies, cracker, whities just to name a few. It never bothered me to be called any names and still doesn’t. The biggest racial divide was and is caused by the government and you can take that to the bank.


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