Bill Maher GOES SILENT after being asked a very simple question.



Bill Maher is a lost cause, even thinking Gavin Newsome is a good politician shows how idiotic he is.

I live in Cali and am dealing with the consequences of Greasy Gavin and the Dem establishment’s policies.
Please, for the love of goodness, do not vote for Newsom for POTUS.


  1. Two things are obvious: Maher will never vote for a Republican and he personally likes Newsom even though he has no clue what, if anything, Newsom has achieved.

    I met twice with Jimmy Carter concerning economics and energy policy when he was POTUS. I liked him very much. I found him charming, gracious, and sincere . . . but also woefully ignorant of economics and a disastrous POTUS. Practically every word I said was in the stratosphere above his head. But I still liked him . . . just not enough to ever vote for him!!!

  2. Bill is a communist JO.He will sell us all out to save his own ass and his pussy job.How he walks the streets and faces real people every day is more than I can understand.

  3. Newsome is the epitome of the mammon’s that Christ threw of the Temple steps; his economics stupidity and greed is the essential character of Evil. He cares not about the common folk only the privileged. IMHO

  4. Parties don’t matter when the will of the people are against the policies of the elected. The judicial branch is too important for politics to be so prominent in the decisions recently brought down.

  5. Once the greed gets in it cannot be removed. Washington, D.C is the devil’s playground. Gavin Newsom is so greedy that he cannot see what’s laid out before him, destruction of the souls he’s supposed to help. His eyes only see the prize in the bottom of the cereal box.


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