Bill Maher CONFRONTS Nancy Pelosi On Democrats Giving Money To Illegal Immigrants To Buy Homes!



She’s pure evil

I’m a legal immigrant who’s been patiently waiting through the court system for over 14 years now to receive my citizenship. I pay my taxes, but I still don’t think it’s fair to give immigrants free money when so many Americans are suffering especially the veterans.


  1. For the many, many immigrants that went through the legal process to citizenship through the years and decades: Thank you for your contribution to our great country! We are all immigrants except for the native American Indians (like Elizabeth Warren, just kidding). Until the Dems reign of terror, we had way better control of illegal aliens sneaking into our country even if it wasn’t perfect. What’s happening now is an insult to all who went through the legal process. Perhaps there needs a be a quicker vetting period to citizenship. Being able to be self-sufficient (no welfare or SS), learning English, no felony criminal background, learning the laws of the land (such as the basics of the Constitution), being loyal to our flag and our country. follow our laws and, if a felony or heinous crime is committed while obtaining citizenship, face deportation. Much of this should apply to our own citizens, but doesn’t. This has worked for many generations until the Dem strongholds throughout the country. God Bless America! Trump/Vance 2024!!

  2. As I watch Pelosi I really she thinks she is BS-ing everyone. She spins and wiggles and tries to step around the subject.

    the fact is giving anything to illegals is wrong. period.

    Any american: Black, Hispanic, Asian, or whatever Should be outraged by everything Pelosi and the Democrats believe in.

  3. I’m all for it…….BUT: NO tax dollars must be used and the entire cost must be taken from Pelosi’s Investment Account! – Now, let’s see how fast she backs it…..
    Milt Nelson – Murfreesboro, TN

  4. Well you know darn well her nephew Gavin will sign it cuz aunt Nancy told him too. I sure hope this kind of crud will open peoples eyes to this election. What about all of the people who have been here for years that have been following our immigration laws? What? These illegals jump to the front of the line? They haven’t even been vetted yet. We need term limits in the House and Senate and get people with fresh new ideas and common sense.

  5. Bribem, Harris Obama and “Impeached” Mayjerkass can’t ruin this country if they lookout for us veterans. But Mr Attorney General Un-Merritted Garland gave a nice speech this morning and told us we don’t have a dual justice system! Well howdy-doody! Do they have to make any changes in the Constitution to show the date it goes into effect? Does that mean they will dismiss all that fake stuff they charged President Trump with? Are they now going to go after Comey and his boys? We saw a few weeks ago that Strozk and his lover Paige who got fired for the fraud they committed just sued in Federal Court and were given $2,000,000 award. I guess that was to make-up with the retirement and benefits they lost. Isn’t that nice!


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