America will see a MASSIVE Black Swan event before election Hillary Clinton warns | Redacted News



No American should be overseas fighting a war when we have one right here on American soil.

Remember when the National Guard was not tasked with defending OTHER NATIONS?!


  1. I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! qq My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier. Here’s what I do…

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  2. As usual, coming from the common suspects, this ‘natural disaster’ is being attributed to “Climate Change!” What should enlighten these ‘Climate Scam’ people is how LITTLE we humans have ANY control over what goes on on this planet Earth, especially as it pertains to WEATHER!

  3. The ozone layer has healed itself; the ice age never came in the 80’s Florida is not under water and if you follow Al Hore the sky is falling. People it is all about re disturbing the wealth of our tax money to other countries that won’t do it themselves. If the climate deal was so important then why didn’t the people pushing it, hold China, Russia and India accountable for their fair share? They don’t even have to start towards putting anything into place until after 2030. So is it really important that we again have to sacrifice what we do, in order to please them. Beside that we are footing the bill for it while Al Baby roams all over the world and I am sure it is not on his dime.

    • Well said my friend. The Marxist Democrat global scammers advance this climate crisis to generate billions in their global “SLUSH FUND ACCTS”——–that fund Marxist Progressive programs and transgenderism etc. Similar to Ukraine now, so we can pay the Biden Crime Family rebates

  4. Yeah sure Hillary–everyone trusts lying sack of shit like you!

    Do us all a favor, go back into your “rubber room” with your crayons


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