If you dress in fancy suits and drive a Bentley while not actually doing something for a living you’re a grifter
What about those of us (blacks) who own companies and corporations that sell our products through Amazon, Target, and Walmart? Sharpton is hurting his own people! He’s a con!!!!!
His mouth is so big from stretching the truth and inciting his followers. Why isn’t insurrection charges ever filed against the radical left?
He admitted once that he says all this garbage because he gets paid for it that’s all he is about is getting money period.
I have been watching and reading about his nefarious escapades since he first gained ‘notoriety’ in the streets of NY in the 1980’s. In my opinion, Al Sharpton has never been anything more than a loud mouth shakedown artist and race baiting grifter.
Here is a link to the story of his involvement of perhaps his most famous (and completely false) charade of all.
Al ‘The Sharpie’ Sharpton and Jesse ‘James’ Jackson both have been nothing but radical ‘race baiters/hustlers,’ living large off of donations, NOT work! Their modus operandi, in order to maintain their ‘jet-set lifestyle’ is to con, or blackmail, people and corporations to fill their pockets!
I think Sharpton is still owes millions in unpaid taxes. Perhaps with a new outfit in charge of prosecuting tax evaders, these hustlers will finally get their “Due Process!”
Sharpton sucks.
Al Sharpton is a scam artist and a race baiter! Al should be shamed from the public square!
This is the perfect reason for canceling my Costco membership for a year. Hmmm, I think it would be a good idea if I start a new movement to cancel Costco memberships for 1 year.